SMART GOAL: 2011-2012

Content Standard Focus: Domain III C- Engaging Students in Learning

Teacher's Professional (SMART) Goal: I will do my best to provide my students with a variety of learning methods to help engage them in their own individual learning process.  I can do this through whole group instruction, small group instruction, and one-on-one instruction where applicable.
Mid - Year Review

Successes- I have referred my student at SST for Special Ed testing.  I will continue to do after school tutoring with the student and will pull him back for small group instruction as often as possible.  Anything I can do to help him improve his reading skills will help him to become more confident in his own learning abilities.

Significant Decisions and Actions- All members of SST agreed that the student needed to be tested.  He currently reads on about a first grade reading level and struggles to decode every word that he reads.  Even sight words are a problem for him to read.  After visiting with his mother, she told me that she has been hoping that he would be tested for Special Education since the third grade and she has wondered why it has taken so long for a teacher to refer him.

Impact on Case Study Student- My case study student is feeling more comfortable admitting to me when he needs help.  At the very beginning of the school year, he was embarrassed to admit that he could not read or understand the directions on the work, or that he could not read the stories from our Treasures books.  After working with me during after school tutoring and in small group instruction, he is comfortable enough to know that he can tell me when he needs help and not be embarrassed by asking.  He also knows that he is going to be pulled out for testing.  He is actually excited to be tested.  He told me that he knows that reading is hard for him and that he would like it if someone could help him become a better reader.

Next Steps- I will continue working with him in small groups and at after school tutoring.  I have also scheduled a thirty minute time block each day for him to be pulled out to work with one of our reading aides.  His mother has also committed to helping him read at home as often as she can.  Hopefully these steps will help him improve his reading skills over time.

End-of-Year Review

Successes- My case study student has come up to about a second grade reading level.  I have used a lot of different strategies with him in order to help him improve his reading skills and comprehension as much as possible.  His mother has even told me that she has noticed a significant improvement in his reading skills.  I also got an exercise ball for the student to sit on.  I had read an article about how sitting on an exercise ball instead of a chair would help students to stay focused on their work.  I have had my case study sitting on an exercise ball for several months now and it does seem to help him to focus for longer periods of time.  It is also less distracting to have him bounce quietly on his exercise ball rather than rocking back and forth on a regular classroom chair.

Significant Decisions and Actions- When I decided to switch out the chair that my student was sitting on for an exercise ball, I met with the school counselor and the student's mother to make sure that it would not be a problem.  Both the school counselor and the student's mother agreed that it was worth a try to see if it helped the student stay a little bit more focused in class.  

The student is no longer able to stay for after school tutoring because it conflicts with his after school sports schedule.  I tried to schedule a day when he could come in before school, but there is no one who can bring him to school early in the morning because both of his parents work.  I have continued to work with him in small groups and one-on-one as often as possible since I know that he is no longer getting that extra help after school.  The student also continues to work with Mrs. West four times a week for half an hour each time.  

I am still waiting to hear back on the Special Ed testing.  Testing was started, but I have heard no word on the results of what they have so far and what other testing needs to be done. I know that the student and his parents are both anxious to hear back on what the results are from the testing that has been done so far.

Impact on Case Study Student-  Working in small group and one-on-one has helped bring the student up to a higher reading level than he was at the beginning of the school year.  His mother has even contacted me and told me that she has noticed significant improvement when they read together at home.  The student is proud of the progress he has made and he wants so badly to be reading as well as others in the class.  I have told him that he needs to focus on his own reading level and celebrate the successes of his own improvements and not compare himself to others in the class.  He has come so far this school year that he needs to just focus on how far is has come and not be worried about catching up to his classmates.

Next Steps- I will continue to work with the student one-on-one and in small group as often as possible.  I will also keep in contact with the parents of my case study student and let them know about the opportunities for summer school that are available to their son.  I also plan on meeting with the Special Ed teacher and finding out if testing will be completed on this student before the end of this school year so that the student can hopefully start next school year with the help he needs to find success and confidence for the rest of his education. 

SMART Goal: 2012-2013

Teacher's Professional (SMART) Goal: I will strive to have 100% of my students proficient on the 2012-2013 Math 5 and Language 5 CRT's at the end of the school year.

Mid - Year Review

Successes- I have made an effort to have small group instruction on a daily basis in all content areas. Small group instruction is the best way to meet the individual needs of the students and to help them to understand the content being taught.

Significant Decisions and Actions- All members of my PLC team meet on a weekly basis to discuss the needs of the individual students.  We have before school and after school interventions, as well as daily interventions for 30 minutes a day where students are grouped according to their individual needs in Language Arts.  The students are assigned to a teacher during this intervention time who will focus on their individual needs.

Impact on Case Study Student- My case study student is feeling more comfortable admitting to me when he needs help.  At the very beginning of the school year, he was embarrassed to admit that he could not read or understand the directions on the work, or that the stories that we were reading in class were too difficult for him.   After working with me during before school tutoring and in small group instruction, he is comfortable enough to know that he can tell me when he needs help and not be embarrassed by asking.  He told me that he knows that reading is hard for him and that he would like it if someone could help him become a better reader because not being able to read makes school so hard.

Next Steps- I will continue working with him in small groups and during before school tutoring.  I will continue to make contact with the student's mother to see if I can get her to help the student at home.

End-of-Year Review

Successes- My case study student has come up to about a third grade reading level.  I have used a lot of different strategies with him in order to help him improve his reading skills and comprehension as much as possible.  His mother still has not taken an active role in helping him at home, but I am hopeful that she will.  He has told me that his older brother will read with him sometimes before bed, which is great! At least he is getting some additional help at home.  He still struggles to get homework done and turned in.  I have had him come in during morning interventions and worked with him one-on-one as often as I can to help him with his homework assignments.  

Significant Decisions and Actions- The student is still being pulled by the Special Education teacher for 45 minutes each morning to work on both math and reading concepts.  He is still pretty hit and miss on the mornings he shows up to before school interventions.  When he comes, we focus on making sure he is understanding the concepts that are being taught that week in class. 

Impact on Case Study Student-  Working in small group and one-on-one has helped bring the student up to a higher reading level than he was at the beginning of the school year.  His mother still has not contacted me about whether or not she has noticed any differences at home. The student is proud of the progress he has made and he wants so badly to be reading as well as others in the class.  I have told him that he needs to focus on his own reading level and celebrate the successes of his own improvements and not compare himself to others in the class.  He has come so far this school year and it is exciting to see his eyes light up when he knows that he is actually understanding what he is reading.  

Next Steps- I will continue to work with the student one-on-one and in small group as often as possible.  I will also keep in contact with the mother of my case study student and let them know about the opportunities for summer school that are available to their son.  I also meet with the Special Ed teacher on a regular basis to compare what she is teaching the student and his progress with her to what I am teaching him and his progress with me in my class. 

UPDATE: The student took the CRT's and he passed his CRT in Language.  This is the first time that he has passed any of his CRT's.  He was so excited when he found out.  I am so proud of him and all of the hard work he did to improve his reading skills this school year.

SMART Goal: 2013-2014

Teacher's Professional (SMART) Goal: I will focus on individual student needs in order to help each student reach proficiency levels on all unit tests in science.


Mid - Year Review

End-of-Year Review